Plooma has an effluent treatment station where all water used in the processing of feathers and down is treated and reused in the production process.
The fabrics used in the production, the packaging that wraps the products and the cardboard boxes used in transport are recyclable products. The residues from these materials are sent to recycling companies.
All material, such as equipment, batteries and lamps, is disposed of at companies certified to receive these materials for recycling.
The residue from processing feathers and down can be used as natural fertilizer for crops.
The products used in processing feathers and down are biodegradable.
The industrial residue is disposed of according to environmental procedures and legislation. For such, Plooma has CADRI (certificate for the approval of industrial residue disposal), issued by a qualified body.
The polyurethane used to manufacture visco and latex is CFC-free.
Company certified by IBAMA.
All printed material has the FSC seal, a guarantee the wood used in the manufacturing of paper comes from renewable sources.